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I am a cognitive ecologist studying the learning and problem-solving abilities of urban carnivores.
Check out my website to learn more about my interests and happenings
November 2019: Finished up the final bit of field work for my dissertation! Huge thank you to Steve DeVries (UW) and Emily Davis (UWRP) for all their help. They have been here from the very beginning until the end, and I could not have done any of this research without them!

September 2019: Trapping and fieldwork are underway! Happy to be working alongside new PhD students Hannah Griebling & Christina Sluka! Big thank you to UWRP manager Emily Davis for her leadership & hard work!
March 2020: Calling all citizen scientists! We need your help to draw bounding boxes around images of animals from our field experiments. Our goal is to train a machine learning algorithm to not only identify species, but also individual animals! You can learn more and join us on Zooniverse.
November 2020: New paper on the cognitive flexibility of urban carnivores is out!
​Stanton, L.A., Bridge, E.S., Huizinga, J. et al. Variation in reversal learning by three generalist mesocarnivores. Anim Cogn (2020).


NOVEMBER 2018: Lauren and UWRP manager Rachel Fanelli were interviewed on the local Wyoming podcast Right to Roam! Check it out here: RIGHT TO ROAM
DECEMBER 2018: Our raccoon research has been featured on Science Friday! Thanks again to Luke Groskin and Sci Fri for this fun opportunity to share our work:
JUNE 2019: Back from teaching a UW undergraduate field course at Mpala Research Centre in Kenya. I had the pleasure of leading a module on behavioral ecology and working with some really great students and fellow instructors. Stay tuned for more photos and research updates from our trip!

July 2019: Another successful Animal Behavior Society meeting for the books! Lisa, Lauren, & PI Sarah Benson-Amram from the Animal Behavior & Cognition Lab gave presentations on our current research.

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